Friday 27 April 2007

It has been a few weeks since my last entry. I have taken on a 2nd job, and it seemed to consume all my time. I even allowed it to invade on my time with the Father. Shame on me. So... I have cut back on work. Everything seemed to be suffering because of this job. Mostly my job as a wife and mother.

I was reading yesterday in John. Thinking about what happened to Jesus and the disciples after the resurrection. I read in John 20 how Mary went looking for Jesus. The first verse tells us she went to the tomb while it was still dark. Why? Why was Mary up so early? Or... had she not slept the night before? What was she thinking? Why was she so anxious to get to Jesus' body?

We know that they could not go to the tomb before this particular morning because of the Sabbath. I wonder if she thought about Him all weekend? I believe she did. I think she went to the tomb at the first possible time.

How different would my life be, if I thought about Him constantly? How different would our times with Him be if we rose early and met with Him at the earliest time possible? Because of the law, Mary had to wait until the sun started coming up to be with Jesus, we don't. We have a 24/7 access to the throne of Grace. Do we take advantage of this opportunity? It is sad to think that Mary Magdalene wanted to be with Jesus so bad, but had to wait. We can be with Him anytime, but we choose to do other things. How sad.

Verse 17 tells us that when she finally got to be with the resurrected Jesus, He told her, "Mary, don't cling to me" (The Message). The word used here in the Greek, implies that she was holding on to Him. I can almost hear her saying "I have been wanting to be with you all weekend, I am not letting go of you now". But Jesus said "Mary, let go... I can't just stay here with you all day, I have stuff to do" (my translation). Don't you know she was probably holding on to Him with both hands desperately not wanting Him to leave her again. But Jesus was saying to her, that even though this is a great moment, we can't stay here. There are other things to do.

Sometimes we have great times with the Master. We are basking in His presence and loving being in His glory. But, we can't stay there. There is work to be done for the kingdom.
Will you work for His Kingdom today?

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