Thursday 20 March 2008


Tomorrow is Good Friday. The day my Lord gave His life for mine. I wonder what He was thinking about on the Thursday before. I wonder if He let His mind wonder to what was coming throughout the day. I wonder if He had the urge to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over His head like I do sometimes when I am worried about upcoming events. I wonder if He struggled with being "snappy" with His family and friends, because He had other things on His I sometimes do.

I don't know what He was thinking, but I do know what He did. He served. Can you believe that! Let it sink in for a minute. The day before the worst day of His life, HE SERVED. He washed the feet of His friends. Stinky, nasty, dirty, soiled with just about anything you can think of including poop, feet. When literally the whole world sat on His shoulders, He served.

And then...His friend...Judas.. leaves to betray Him. But He didn't let that stop Him. He continued with the plan. The plan to redeem the world. The plan that would save my life.

I hope this Easter you will find time to reflect on all He has done for you. Thank Him, and say yes to whatever it is He is calling you to do. That is the least I can do for Him.

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