Sunday 13 January 2008

Let it Snow!

Tonight the weather man said it may snow this week. Jeff said "did you hear that?"I acted like I didn't care. I said, " I don't believe anything those weather people say and I am not going to let them trick me this year into believing that it might snow". I told him I didn't care if it snowed or not but...

I want it to snow! I really, really do. I have been asking God to let it snow for about 4 winters now. So snow. Will, my 10 year old, cant remember ever playing in the snow. I want him to play in the snow while he is still a little boy.

I am asking God to please let us have some snow this year so Will can know how much fun it is to throw snowballs and build a snowman and make snow angels. Please pray with me!!!! I really want it to snow this winter. But...don't tell Jeff. He still thinks I don't care. Oh, and don't tell James Spann. If he thinks he has one believer, he may shut all the schools down and have the grocery people stock up on milk and bread! It never snows when they do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying with you, Sista....but I want it gone before Monday morning!!!