I have been thinking this morning about what the Saturday after Jesus was crucified must have been like. What kind of day was it? How did everyone feel after watching all that had happened the day before? I wonder if they had lost all hope? Were they afraid for their own life? Were they doubting who He was?
Their thoughts were probably no different from some of ours the day after we have been through something tragic. Why did God let this happen? He/she was so good, why did they have to die? Why is this happening to me?
As I read in Luke about the women preparing spices and perfumes for His body, I see that Luke also tells us, "But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment". I wonder how much they really rested. Were they able to sleep? Were they able to pray? So much had happened they must have been exhausted and devastated. If they only knew on Saturday that tomorrow would be a better day! Yes ladies, Friday was bad.......but Sunday is coming!
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