Monday, 31 December 2007

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve has never been my favorite holiday. I always dreamed of being in Times Square with a fun, interesting guy, sipping on Champaign (even though I have ALWAYS hated the stuff) and wearing funny hats and making lots of noise. That dream never came true.

As a teenager and college student, I always had some type of babysitting job that evening. So I had to settle for viewing Times Square on TV and watching Dick Clark sip Champaign with all sorts of interesting people, …without me.

Then I met my husband, the outdoorsman. New Years Eve to him is code for “get to bed early so you can get up early and hit the woods”. I once made him go to a New Years Eve party with me. He made me leave at 9pm. I learned real quick to not plan anything. Now, I never accept an invitation from friends to attend their parties. Oh who am I fooling, we don’t get any invitations to parties. But if we did, I wouldn’t go. Mostly now because I can’t stay awake past 10pm. Oh, who am I fooling, I can’t stay awake past 8:30 pm.

So tonight as I sit on my couch and enjoy Times Square with Dick Clark and his new pal, Ryan, I will remember all the fond times we had together. When I watch that ball drop, I am sure that I will once again, wish I were there. Oh who am I fooling, I will never make it 'till the ball drops!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

A Family Tradition!

Hank Williams Jr., 'aint got nothing on us! My family has so many Christmas traditions, it would make you tired just trying to remember them. But for us, it is a normal Christmas with Gramm and Papa! We do everything from reading the Christmas story to searching for our best gift of all (money) to playing croquet! But, the tradition that seems to get the biggest and loudest protest, is the family picture! We have been taking a family picture for about 25 years! The kids hate it and the adults dread it. Let me show you why....

Teenagers want to make goofy signs and babies want to make weird faces or not give up there pacifiers. Check out the big guys in the back. That is my comedian brother- in-law Lee, and my oldest son Shawn. Watch their facial expressions.

Again with the babies and teenagers and moms wanting to look good for this picture that seems to find itself in every one's living room! Check out the big guy's, same look. Somebody needs to wake them up! have kids who are mad because their play time was interrupted because of this "stupid picture". Their words, not mine.

Maybe the big guys look this way because they were the first ones in place, and no one else would cooperate.

But then, in the end, everyone smiles and looks great. We survived yet another year of the family picture! I hope you and your family had a great day!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas season has proven to be a busy one for me. I am still adjusting to being back in the work force and my free time is pretty scarce these days. I still need to wrap presents, bake, finish decorating and send out my Christmas cards. Ok, ok...I realize I am a little late on a few of these things. There is no need to finish decorating the house, I am not having any guest over anyway. And as far as the Christmas cards..... not going to happen.

So......I thought I would share my card with you. Merry Christmas to all of you!

Monday, 17 December 2007

My Default

It is 3:00 am and I have been awake since 2:15 am. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So naturally, my mind starts wondering. I guess the right term would be..worrying. I immediately "default" to all that I need to do "when I wake up". Here are some things that were going through my mind.

1. Did I pay the truck payment?
2. I need to finish shopping.
3. Are the kids ok? Did I hear someone call me and didn't realize it?
4. Why is Jeff always on my side?
5. What do I have for Will to eat in the morning?
6. How will we pay all these bills?
7. How will we send Kori to college?
8. Do I hear someone downstairs?
9. Should I get up?
10. Then... the last thing I thought was.... Is God waking me up because He wants to say something to me?

So... I got up. I came down to my desk and started searching for what He may be trying to say. I came across several good things in a few devotions I have, but the word He had for me was found in my Breaking Free, Day by Day devotion book (given to me by my good friend Rhonda).

The scripture reference is Romans 8:6 "The mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the spirit is life and peace". The first thing Beth Moore says in the devotion is " When we do not make the deliberate choice to think according to the Spirit, we "default" to the flesh. You've noticed we never have to wake up in the morning and choose to be self-centered. We default into self-centeredness automatically unless we deliberately submit to the authority of Christ and the fullness of His free Spirit". She goes on to say " When we think according to the flesh, we are often anxious, unnerved, insecure and fearful, not to mention greedy, lustful, jealous, and all sorts of things we were never meant to be as Christians".

Boy....did she peg me this morning. I woke up and my flesh immediately took over. I have to learn to submit to the Spirit first thing when I wake up. Before I default to the flesh.

Well... I am going back to bed now. First I am going to pray some more, then hopefully enjoy a few more hours of peaceful sleep. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Back to the real world?

I have been blessed to be a stay home at home mom for 4 and half years. What a true blessing it has been to be home. But now, it is time to get back to the real world. The world where mom's get up early and leave the home to work. The world where crock pots are the most important appliance in the kitchen and the freezer is full of Hot Pockets and frozen pizzas. A world where laundry seems to double when you walk out the door and dishes seem to multiply. A world where laughing with Rick & Bubba is the only thing getting you through all the traffic! If I listened to this world, it would tell me that my job is the most important thing in life and I should sacrifice anything and everything to keep it. This world screams to me to be politically correct and to forget about what is at home for the next 8 hours.

I have to be careful to remember that this is only a job. My heart is at home, with my family. I have not given up my job of being a wife and mother. It will always be my first priority. This job is a means to provide very much needed income for the family that I love. I am a wife and a mother who just happens to be a patient coordinator at a local sleep clinic. Not a patient coordinator who is a wife and mother. My first job will always continue to come first.

So actually, my real world IS at home. It is the place I belong and I look forward to the day when God makes it possible for me to be here full time again.

I am, however, enjoying working again. It is nice to have conversations with adults and use my brain for a change. My job is a blessing from God and I thank Him for it. I pray that He will use me while I am there.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

It's Official...

There is something about getting those senior portraits that makes her being a senior... real.

When I looked at this picture for the first time, so many thoughts ran through my mind. "She is so pretty", " I am so proud of her", "That smile cost me a lot of money", "These pictures cost me a lot of money", " Where are her freckles, I didn't tell them to remove her freckles", " I am so glad I didn't talk her into cutting her hair", "Where is my baby, I want my baby back", "Your job here is almost done", "Gosh I'm old", "two down, one to go". All these thoughts keep running through my mind.

When Shawn graduated I couldn't wait to get his picture framed and on the wall. I was so proud and excited. I remember Amber came over and helped me hang pictures one day. When she hung Shawn's portrait she said "now when Kori has her portrait made, move this one over and put hers beside it". I remember thinking..." that will be a long time so I am not worried about that right now". How time flies!

Today, as I look at this picture, I am praying for her. I am asking God to continue to bring back to her mind everything that I have taught her the last 17 years. I am asking Him to give her complete assurance of His will for her life and a desire to walk with Him daily. I am asking Him to protect her and to surround her with people who will love and respect her and share her desire to be Godly. I am even praying for her spouse today. I am asking God to raise him up to be a man of integrity and love. One who is a man after God's own heart.

Surprisingly, I am not sad today. I am sure that will change on May 22nd (day of graduation). It may even change when the announcements come in. But for today, I am excited for her. It is time for Kori to begin the next chapter of her life. I look forward to watching her grow from this point.