Monday, 31 December 2007

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve has never been my favorite holiday. I always dreamed of being in Times Square with a fun, interesting guy, sipping on Champaign (even though I have ALWAYS hated the stuff) and wearing funny hats and making lots of noise. That dream never came true.

As a teenager and college student, I always had some type of babysitting job that evening. So I had to settle for viewing Times Square on TV and watching Dick Clark sip Champaign with all sorts of interesting people, …without me.

Then I met my husband, the outdoorsman. New Years Eve to him is code for “get to bed early so you can get up early and hit the woods”. I once made him go to a New Years Eve party with me. He made me leave at 9pm. I learned real quick to not plan anything. Now, I never accept an invitation from friends to attend their parties. Oh who am I fooling, we don’t get any invitations to parties. But if we did, I wouldn’t go. Mostly now because I can’t stay awake past 10pm. Oh, who am I fooling, I can’t stay awake past 8:30 pm.

So tonight as I sit on my couch and enjoy Times Square with Dick Clark and his new pal, Ryan, I will remember all the fond times we had together. When I watch that ball drop, I am sure that I will once again, wish I were there. Oh who am I fooling, I will never make it 'till the ball drops!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

A Family Tradition!

Hank Williams Jr., 'aint got nothing on us! My family has so many Christmas traditions, it would make you tired just trying to remember them. But for us, it is a normal Christmas with Gramm and Papa! We do everything from reading the Christmas story to searching for our best gift of all (money) to playing croquet! But, the tradition that seems to get the biggest and loudest protest, is the family picture! We have been taking a family picture for about 25 years! The kids hate it and the adults dread it. Let me show you why....

Teenagers want to make goofy signs and babies want to make weird faces or not give up there pacifiers. Check out the big guys in the back. That is my comedian brother- in-law Lee, and my oldest son Shawn. Watch their facial expressions.

Again with the babies and teenagers and moms wanting to look good for this picture that seems to find itself in every one's living room! Check out the big guy's, same look. Somebody needs to wake them up! have kids who are mad because their play time was interrupted because of this "stupid picture". Their words, not mine.

Maybe the big guys look this way because they were the first ones in place, and no one else would cooperate.

But then, in the end, everyone smiles and looks great. We survived yet another year of the family picture! I hope you and your family had a great day!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas season has proven to be a busy one for me. I am still adjusting to being back in the work force and my free time is pretty scarce these days. I still need to wrap presents, bake, finish decorating and send out my Christmas cards. Ok, ok...I realize I am a little late on a few of these things. There is no need to finish decorating the house, I am not having any guest over anyway. And as far as the Christmas cards..... not going to happen.

So......I thought I would share my card with you. Merry Christmas to all of you!

Monday, 17 December 2007

My Default

It is 3:00 am and I have been awake since 2:15 am. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So naturally, my mind starts wondering. I guess the right term would be..worrying. I immediately "default" to all that I need to do "when I wake up". Here are some things that were going through my mind.

1. Did I pay the truck payment?
2. I need to finish shopping.
3. Are the kids ok? Did I hear someone call me and didn't realize it?
4. Why is Jeff always on my side?
5. What do I have for Will to eat in the morning?
6. How will we pay all these bills?
7. How will we send Kori to college?
8. Do I hear someone downstairs?
9. Should I get up?
10. Then... the last thing I thought was.... Is God waking me up because He wants to say something to me?

So... I got up. I came down to my desk and started searching for what He may be trying to say. I came across several good things in a few devotions I have, but the word He had for me was found in my Breaking Free, Day by Day devotion book (given to me by my good friend Rhonda).

The scripture reference is Romans 8:6 "The mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the spirit is life and peace". The first thing Beth Moore says in the devotion is " When we do not make the deliberate choice to think according to the Spirit, we "default" to the flesh. You've noticed we never have to wake up in the morning and choose to be self-centered. We default into self-centeredness automatically unless we deliberately submit to the authority of Christ and the fullness of His free Spirit". She goes on to say " When we think according to the flesh, we are often anxious, unnerved, insecure and fearful, not to mention greedy, lustful, jealous, and all sorts of things we were never meant to be as Christians".

Boy....did she peg me this morning. I woke up and my flesh immediately took over. I have to learn to submit to the Spirit first thing when I wake up. Before I default to the flesh.

Well... I am going back to bed now. First I am going to pray some more, then hopefully enjoy a few more hours of peaceful sleep. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Back to the real world?

I have been blessed to be a stay home at home mom for 4 and half years. What a true blessing it has been to be home. But now, it is time to get back to the real world. The world where mom's get up early and leave the home to work. The world where crock pots are the most important appliance in the kitchen and the freezer is full of Hot Pockets and frozen pizzas. A world where laundry seems to double when you walk out the door and dishes seem to multiply. A world where laughing with Rick & Bubba is the only thing getting you through all the traffic! If I listened to this world, it would tell me that my job is the most important thing in life and I should sacrifice anything and everything to keep it. This world screams to me to be politically correct and to forget about what is at home for the next 8 hours.

I have to be careful to remember that this is only a job. My heart is at home, with my family. I have not given up my job of being a wife and mother. It will always be my first priority. This job is a means to provide very much needed income for the family that I love. I am a wife and a mother who just happens to be a patient coordinator at a local sleep clinic. Not a patient coordinator who is a wife and mother. My first job will always continue to come first.

So actually, my real world IS at home. It is the place I belong and I look forward to the day when God makes it possible for me to be here full time again.

I am, however, enjoying working again. It is nice to have conversations with adults and use my brain for a change. My job is a blessing from God and I thank Him for it. I pray that He will use me while I am there.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

It's Official...

There is something about getting those senior portraits that makes her being a senior... real.

When I looked at this picture for the first time, so many thoughts ran through my mind. "She is so pretty", " I am so proud of her", "That smile cost me a lot of money", "These pictures cost me a lot of money", " Where are her freckles, I didn't tell them to remove her freckles", " I am so glad I didn't talk her into cutting her hair", "Where is my baby, I want my baby back", "Your job here is almost done", "Gosh I'm old", "two down, one to go". All these thoughts keep running through my mind.

When Shawn graduated I couldn't wait to get his picture framed and on the wall. I was so proud and excited. I remember Amber came over and helped me hang pictures one day. When she hung Shawn's portrait she said "now when Kori has her portrait made, move this one over and put hers beside it". I remember thinking..." that will be a long time so I am not worried about that right now". How time flies!

Today, as I look at this picture, I am praying for her. I am asking God to continue to bring back to her mind everything that I have taught her the last 17 years. I am asking Him to give her complete assurance of His will for her life and a desire to walk with Him daily. I am asking Him to protect her and to surround her with people who will love and respect her and share her desire to be Godly. I am even praying for her spouse today. I am asking God to raise him up to be a man of integrity and love. One who is a man after God's own heart.

Surprisingly, I am not sad today. I am sure that will change on May 22nd (day of graduation). It may even change when the announcements come in. But for today, I am excited for her. It is time for Kori to begin the next chapter of her life. I look forward to watching her grow from this point.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Our Horn of Plenty

The Horn of Plenty is a a symbolic, hollow horn filled with the inexhaustible gifts of celebratory fruits. To me the image has always represented Thanksgiving first, but when looked at closer, it represents a bounty. An abundance of blessings that is overflowing, more than enough.

This year has been a difficult one, financially, for my family. We have seen a tremendous decrease in salary due to the decline of the building industry. We have also, like the rest of the country, suffered because of increased gas prices which has impacted almost every phase of our life. It seemed that everything increased except for our salary, which drastically decreased. If you looked at our financial report, you would feel very sorry for our children.

But, this morning, on Thanksgiving, I am thinking about how much we have been blessed this year. Somehow in the midst of all of this, we were able to pay off 4 major credit cards, the Orthodontist and the Oral Surgeon! Praise God! This is something only HE could do. We have all remained healthy, we have not experienced any loss of life in our family this year, no one in my family is in Iraq, my husband loves me, I have friends who care about me, we have a wonderful church family, our home was not destroyed by tornado, hurricane, flood or fire, and I know where my children are! I have so much to celebrate today.

We have been blessed beyond measure. Our symbolic Horn of Plenty is overflowing today. I shared with my children, "Yes, we have struggled this year, but there are lots of people who would trade circumstances with you right now". When I think about the children in the hospital today, and the children who have a parent or grandparent fighting for their life, or a mommy or daddy who is in Iraq, or those children who lost their homes in the fires in California, or the parent who does not know where their child is today, I realize there is no amount of money that can ease that pain.

We are truly blessed with abundance and our horn is overflowing. We have been given more than enough. I hope today you enjoy the blessings of your life and thank the God who gave them to you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Happy 17th Birthday Maddison!

Happy Birthday to my sweet niece, Maddison Briana McBride!
From the moment she was born she has been very special to me.
She acts more like me than my own daughter. I can't believe today
she is 17 years old! What a beautiful young lady she has become.
I love you
Maddie Boo-Boo!

Saturday, 17 November 2007


I am so blessed to be a part of a body of believers who understand The Great Commission.

Today our mission team travels home from Bolivia after a week of leading the lost to Jesus.

This video is a tribute to those who once were lost, but now are found, thanks to those who knew when to go.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007


I have already admitted that I am a news junkie. I also have another strange obsession, I love to watch or read anything concerning royalty. Not so much the gossip, but I have always wanted to know what life is like inside the palace. I have the same obsession with the President. I like to watch interviews of the First Family in the living quarters at the White House. I have always wanted to know how the "other side" lives. Crazy, I know. Even when I was a little girl watching Mr. Rogers, I loved when we took the train ride to that pretend land, and the King would come out and talk to the people. I always wanted them to take us inside the castle (and before you ask, yes I know they are only puppets and not real) and look around.

When Princess Diana passed away, you can imagine how my interest was sparked (that is a very mild way of saying, "how obsessed I was") by the royals being in the news. Oh my goodness, I was glued to Fox News for days. I even woke up in the middle of the night, so I could watch her funeral procession live! My children still tease me about it today.

This morning during my Bible study, God showed me something that really spoke to me.
I have been going through a rough patch lately, and I ask God to minister to me in a way that would be real. He did. I read in 2 Samuel 13, about how King David's daughter was raped by her brother. She was so upset that she tore her clothes, placed ashes on her head, and lived the rest of her life desolate. She was still the King's daughter, a Princess, royalty, but she didn't live like a Princess.

I realize this morning, that I am just as important to the King of Kings as Princess Diana, George Bush, Jenna or Barbara Bush, Queen Elizabeth or anyone else who has ever been in the living quarters of the White House or inside Buckingham Palace.
I am a daughter of the King! I am royalty!
How sweet that God would use this lesson today to speak to me. He knows me so well!

As Christians, we need to start acting like royalty. Not in a arrogant way, but in a way that we carry ourselves with diginity so it will show the glory of the King.
We need to live like we believe we are a handpicked child of the King. Beth Moore says, "If you are not royalty, then He is not the King". We need to stop walking around depressed, complaining, defeated and in bondage and start living like the royal kids we are!

Christ came to bestow on us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
Put on your crown today and live like a royal. If you know Jesus, you are!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

The Mercy of the Wind ???

I have always been a news junkie. I can sit for hours and watch news stories about the same subject. Sometimes I am so consumed I can't even sleep. The news reports of the fires of Southern California have been no exception for me.
I can't imagine having to leave my home with only minutes to gather my most valuable possessions.

On this particular news clip, I noticed the Mayor of Malibu saying, "We are at the mercy of the wind". If I were there I believe I would share with her that she is not at the mercy of the wind, but at the mercy of the one who makes the wind to blow. I am reminded of a story in the Bible when Jesus and His disciples were on a boat, and the storms came. Matthew records: The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

I pray for the residents of Malibu. I pray to the one who commands the wind, and am asking Him to intervene in this situation. I pray that the residents and Mayor will realize they are at HIS mercy.

If I had to evacuate with only minutes to decide what to take with me, I of course would make sure my family was safe and I would make sure I had my Bible and journals. That is a given. But what else would I want to take? I guess my pictures, but it would take me a while to gather them all. I guess I would take my grandmother's necklace and while I am in my jewelry box I would get the $17 I have stashed. Other than that, I am not sure.

What would you take? Please comment, I would love to read your answers.

In closing, pray for the people who have lost everything in these fires. Pray that the God of the wind and the rain will comfort them during this time of loss

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

What Was I Thinking?

Yesterday was a fun day. My mom and I took Kori to tour Wallace State Community College in Hanceville. We went with an open mind, but we were trying hard to convince each other that this would be a good school for her. When we got there, the school sold itself. They have a beautiful campus, great dorm rooms, several athletic teams, a choir and show choir (which Kori loves being a part of in HS), and they have very friendly people who know how to show southern hospitality. We absolutely loved it.

We looked at dorm rooms while we were there and started making all kinds of plans for her. We talked about all the stuff she needed and how she could decorate her room, and which route was the safest route to take home. We laughed and planned her meals and even talked about stocking up on supplies (like shampoo, she uses a lot of shampoo) for next year. We even discussed getting her a checking account and how we could handle all of her financial issues.

So.....this morning I woke up and thought to myself .....
HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!?!?! You can not take your baby 1.5 hours away from home. She needs to stay home. I hear that you can take on line college courses now. I see advertisements all the time. I am going to sign her up for one of those. I mean..think about it...what if she needs me.? Yesterday I told her "you will only be an hour away". Today I am saying "SHE WILL BE AN HOUR AWAY". I can't have that. So much could happen. What if she forgets to set her clock, or doesn't hear it when it goes off. That happens all the time now. Who will wake her up? What if she spends all her money on clothes or jeans and needs gas money, I can't ride up there and give her $20 dollars to last her till pay day, like I do now. Or, for goodness sake, what if she runs out of shampoo!!!!!!!!! She likes her good smelling, expensive, shampoo. Oh yea.. and who is going to buy those pesty female products for her.....she sure isn't!!! She needs me, and I am home. She can't leave and I can't go with it looks like on line courses for her.

Or...... is it me that needs her. I mean... she helps me with Will, a lot. Helping family is important. She also takes my clothes out of the dryer for me, I don't mind that they fall all around my bed instead of on it, I just pick 'em up. Oh yea, and she loads the dishwasher sometimes for me, that helps me out a lot too. It is not that big of a deal that I have to ask her 3-4 times. And..... who will I ask "do these shoes look stupid with this dress"? And who will say "Mom, it is time for more color on your hair"? Kori that is who, she is staying put.

I think the real question for me is...who will I watch America's Next Top Model with? Or who will make sure the boys don't take advantage of me, or who will I eat pasta with, or who will scratch my arm or rub my shoulders? Who will I laugh with about how weird all these boys are at our house? You see.... Make no mistake, I am Kori's mother first and foremost, but somewhere in the last 17 years, she also became my friend. I trust her with my heart, more than I trust most of my friends. I honestly enjoy her company very much.

I think the real issue here is me. She told me yesterday she was sort of afraid to leave home. I told her we go through different seasons in our life and this was going to be a new season for her. A new chance to grow and learn and she should embrace it. Soon, there would be a new season with different opportunities for growth. I think I am going to take my own advice.

So what was I thinking yesterday? I was thinking how God has a plan for her life, and it is not to harm her(or me). I need to encourage her in that plan, and I will. Guess I am just having a brief moment of mommydontwanttoletherkidleavehomeitous.

God only gives us a few seasons with our kids. You should enjoy the season you are in now, before it changes. will change. Well...I have to go.
I need to make sure Will knows that going away to college is over rated and he should really look into on line courses! I need to get to him while he is still impressionable. JUST KIDDING! I am going to stock up on shampoo, she is going to need it! And, I guess I should pick up some kleenex too. I am going to need them.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Web of Temptation

God has a very unique way of showing me week after week what He wants me to learn while studying for our Sunday School lesson (I mean....Life Group).

While reading the book of Nehemiah, Chapter 9, one of the first phrases that jumped out at me, (mostly because I had underlined them prior to this day) was in verse 2. ...they stood and confessed their sins... Sounds like a simple statement, nothing too convicting. After all, Nehemiah isn't talking about me, he is talking about the Children of Israel. So why do I keep going back to it, and why does my heart start racing every time I read it???? I think God wants me to dig further about this confessing of sins. Maybe later.

Then one of my children ( I can't name him because he gets embarrassed when I post about him, but I will give you a hint...he is 10) was doing something yesterday that he knew he should not do. My mommy radar went off and instead of immediately scolding him, I asked him what was going on. He, of course, replied "nothing". I said, "(insert name of child here), be careful you don't do something you shouldn't do". He assured me he was not. A few minutes later I looked around and again, he was trying to sneak and do this "thing" again. Now before you let your imagination run wild...he wasn't trying to do anything too awful, I just can't tell you because of the whole "embarrassing him" thing. So just go with me here.

After asking further questions, I realized he indeed was about to do something he knows not to do. Now with my first children, who are 7-14 years older than this one, I would have went into a fit! I am not sure why I didn't with him. Probably too old and tired. Anyway...I talked with him and told him if he went through with what he was about to do, he would want to do it again tomorrow and then even more the next day.

I was very surprised at his response, he said "Oh no, I was about to get into the web of temptation". I asked him to tell me more about the web of temptation. He said " We learned in JAM (children's church) that satan tries to get us into his web of sin, and when we get there, it is sticky and hard to get out. Just like when bugs can't get out of a spider's web. I was about to get into the web of temptation".

WOW! My heart heart felt... well I can't explain it. I was proud of him and all I could think about is how many times I get into the web of temptation. I hugged him and told him to pray and ask God to help him stay out of the web, he said he would and told me he was sorry. It seemed wrong that he would apologize for teaching me such an incredible lesson! As proud as I was of him, he still was not honest and his actions warranted punishment, so we had to take care of some business I like to call "grounding".

I am asking God this morning to show me the webs of temptation I am caught in. What sin have I not confessed? How can I stay out of this web? I think God is trying to teach me something. I think I will go ahead a dig further today.

I am also thanking God for Mrs Debbie and the other adults who teach in JAM. The word she shared did not return void. My little boy is at school right now, trying hard to not get caught in the web of temptation. Are you?

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Pray for Ashley

I love to read blogs. Even though I don't know most of the people personally, I find some blogs very encouraging. A few days ago one of my "regulars" posted an entry about this sweet baby girl. Please visit her blog today, but mostly please pray for her. Her story is very sad, but a wonderful testimony of how God works! People from all over the country are praying for this family. I hope you will pray too.

Monday, 1 October 2007

On the Mountain

October. It has always been my favorite time of the year! I love the cool, crisp air and lack of humidity. I love it when the leaves change colors, and I love when I can wear a sweatsuit and not sweat! It reminds me of football games where you need to bring a blanket to stay warm and campfires and roasting marshmallows. I fell in love with my husband in October so I always think about love and I always want to be in the mountains this time of year.

My husband and I were married in the mountains and spent our honeymoon in a log cabin (the exact one in the picture) there. It was awesome! We rode the lift to the very tip top of that Smokey Mountain and were in awe of the beauty that surrounded us. We were more in love than we had ever been (at that point). We didn't think about anything else but each other. We didn't worry about jobs, bills, kids, mortgages, little league ball, mortgages, college tuition, or retirement. We were crazy in love and thought that this is the way we would feel forever! I remember saying, "We should have married months ago, this is great!".

And then we had to go home, and the honeymoon was over. It didn't take many times for him to leave his dirty socks on the floor, for me to realize that the mountain top experience had come to an end. It wasn't long till we were faced with challenges that were hard to face. Tough times that forced us to remember why we were together in the first place. We didn't realize it at the time, but it was during those tough times that our love was growing stronger.

Our walk with Christ is so much like this. We walk away from our salvation experience on the mountain top. Then, without warning, we are faced with challenges and tough situations that are difficult to walk through. Then, before you know it, we attend a retreat or have an awesome quiet time and we are back on the mountain top. We love our mountain top experiences, but they don't last. It is when we are in the valley that we grow. Oswald Chamber says "The test of our spiritual life is the power to descend; if we have power to rise only, something is wrong. It is a great thing to be on the mount with God, but a man only gets there in order that afterwards he may get down among the devil-possessed and lift them up. We are not built for the mountains and the dawns and aesthetic affinities, those are for moments of inspiration, that is all. We are built for the valley, for the ordinary stuff we are in, and that is where we have to prove our mettle."

I will never forget my wedding and honeymoon in the Smokey Mountains. I will never forget how in love we were on that day. I have to admit however, as awesome as it was, my love for Jeff is stronger today than it has ever been. Also, my relationship with Christ is stronger than it has ever been. Both grew when we walked through the valley together.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Gate Duty

Football has taken over our life. Not only is Will playing, but every Saturday the only thing we watch is SEC College football. I enjoy watching Alabama and Auburn but I am not sure why we need to watch every other game. But Jeff loves it so I try to not say much. Key word being try.

Tonight I have gate duty at the football field where Will plays. I have to take up money for those who are entering into the game. The price is not too high, it only cost $2 for adults and $1 for students. Of course Will gets in for free. I hope I do ok, I am not real good with money, counting or charging people. I know it will work out though.

I seemed to be consumed with gates this week. We are doing a study on Nehemiah at my church. This week we will be talking about the rebuilding of the gates around Jerusalem in our Life Group class. The first gate Nehemiah mentions is the sheep gate. It was called the sheep gate because this was the gate the sheep and lambs, used for sacrifice, were brought through. Apparently thieves would try to enter by jumping over the walls or by other means, but they were up to no good. They were not the real shepherds, they were only there to kill, steal and destroy. But the gatekeeper would open the gate for the shepherd and the sheep would recognize his voice when he called them.

Jesus teaches us in John 10 that He is the true shepherd. He said in vs. 9 (The Message)
"I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for - will freely go in and out, and find pasture". You can have restoration and forgiveness only through the sheep gate, which is Jesus Christ. So what ever your worries or cares are today, the answer is in Jesus. He wants to care for you.

Just like at the football gate, all the football players, coaches and cheerleaders will enter at no charge tonight. Their fees have already been taken care of when their parents paid the registration cost for being on the team ($180 I might add). I will allow them to enter at no charge! Well guess what, .....Jesus has paid our price to enter the gate! (You knew I was going to say it) The only way to experience real joy and real peace is through Him. I have to walk through the gate with Him daily to experience the life He has for me. And He never fails to deliver, and it doesn't matter how well I count!

Go Warriors!



Thursday, 6 September 2007

Happy Birthday Shawn!

Not sure why the next post says 9/5 but TODAY is his birthday.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Happy Birthday Shawn!

Happy Birthday to my oldest child, Shawn.

Today Shawn is 24 years old. I can't believe it.

I was 24 years old when I first met him. I still remember the first time I saw him. He was a sweet little 3 year old with a bigger vocabulary than most men. He would say and do anything and I fell in love with him before I ever fell in love with his dad. He taught a young, naive girl, who thought she knew everything already, how to be a mother. Sometimes I feel like we grew up together. It was definitely on the job training! I hope he has forgotten all the mistakes I made, and if not, I hope he never let's me hear about it on Oprah.

Since we seem to be into lists these days here is a list of the reasons I love Shawnie!

10. He is still so stinking cute!

9. He is bigger than me and gives a great bear hug.

8. He still says "yes ma'am".

7. He still watches cartoons and wants toys for Christmas.

6. He plays with his little brother.

5. He is protective of his little sister and doesn't want her to know it.

4. He thinks SpongeBob is the coolest guy around, even on his b'day cake.

3. He still says daddy when all his friends and siblings say dad.

2. He can sing better than any American Idol I have ever heard! Really!

1. He acknowledges that God has gifted him, and knows He has a plan for his life!

Stroll down memory lane with me if you will......I told you he was cute.

On what he called "Our Wedding" Day.

Getting ready with Daddy (His dad looks pretty good too).

5 years old

Again with Daddy

And now. What a good looking man he has become!

I love you Shawnie Boy! Thank you for letting me be your mom. It is my honor.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Too Busy to Blog!

I have a lot going on in my life right now. I really don't have the brain power to put it
all in words. So ... I want to give you a few visuals of what is going on in my mind, in no particular order.

I wish I were here...

But I will settle for here this weekend....

Take care of mother in law in hospital with lung disease,

Pray that Kori will decide if she wants to do this........

or here........

which brings us this.....

Check on Shawn recovering from gall bladder surgery.....

Get Will to football practice....he is #60

pray for him to be safe...

He is so cute in this uniform! Don't let everything else get in the way of him having a good time.

I really need to wash those pants and that girdle (he is in the black)....

Oh yea... Kori now thinks she wants to do this....


And that doesn't even cover my housework, babysitting, Women's Ministry, my husband, my bills, well.... you get the point.

Way too much stuff to think about..... I think I will loose myself in other peoples blogs of peaceful times for now!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

High School Musical - Breaking Free

Please read the post below before watching video.

Phases of Disney

While raising three kids, I have been through a lot of phases with Disney. I remember when Shawn was in love with the Little Mermaid at age 5. He watched that movie over and over again. I decided then we would own every Disney movie ever sold, because he loved it so much.
I gave up on that collection a few years later.

When Kori came along we had the DISNEY CHANNEL. That was big time. She was hooked on Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens and re-runs of Boy Meets World (she still thinks that Cory & Topanga are real and anything she needs to know about life, they can teach her).

Will has so many options for TV these days. He loves fishing & hunting shows, but in between them, he loves to watch Disney too. He likes Cory In The House, Hannah Montana and of course the popular Disney movies, High School Musical.

Since I LOVE TV as much as the next couch potato, I have always viewed the shows with my kids. But, this last phase I think is my favorite. I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ( I & II). Will begged me to watch the first one with him and when I did, I was hooked. We couldn't wait to see #2 come out. We even had our own little premier party. Even though Kori laughed at us and wouldn't stay home to party with us, she wanted to make sure we were recording it.

I can't count how many times we have watched this movie since Friday night. The attraction for us is all the music and dancing.

My favorite song of both movies is BREAKING FREE. I guess because I have started (again) the Bible Study BREAKING FREE and I can apply some of the words in the song to how God wants us to break free from the bondage of sin. How He helps us to break free from what the world wants us to be.

If you get a minute, watch Troy & Gabriella. They are sooooooo cute! Then ask God to show you if you have strongholds in your life that keep you from soaring & flying with Him. Then,...Break Free!!!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Grace in the Boondocks

Those who know me know that I have always been of the mind set that Christians should only listen to Contemporary Christian music. You can imagine how this goes over with teenagers.
Recently Christ set me free from legalism. He is showing me that He died so I could live by grace and not a bunch of rules.
I heard this group, Little Big Town, on Rick and Bubba one day, and I liked their music. It didn't take Kori long to react, and she bought me the CD for my birthday. I love it.
Don't get me wrong, I am still in love with CC music and I am very careful what I allow into my mind in the ways of music. But, I like this little group. I like this song too. Maybe 'cause I was raised in the boondocks.
You know... Christ can set you free too.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago Today?

Can you remember what you were doing 10 years ago today? I can. At this very moment,
10 years ago today, I was in Labor and Delivery at Brookwood Hospital, preparing for the arrival of my new baby boy. I was very excited and barely nervous at all. Had I known at
11:00 a.m. that he would weigh in at a whopping 10 pounds within the hour, I am sure that I would have been more than a little nervous, but still excited!

William Houston (named for my grandfather and Jeff's father and grandfather) was the best surprise God could have given us that year! I can't believe he is already 10 years old. Having 2 older children, (23 & 17 ) we realize how fast kids grow up. I can honestly say we have taken time to enjoy him, and it has been a blast.

Will is just like his dad. To look at pictures of Jeff when he was 10 is like looking at Will right now. He is like a carbon copy in more ways than one. He loves fishing and hunting, football, and playing the drums, just like his daddy.

Humor me while I share a few pic's of Will.

Happy Birthday Will man! I love you so much!

Look at the cheeks on this guy!

I love the hair! Business in the front, party in the back!

Always the funny guy

Typical Will in camo.

The cool dude that he is!

Happy 10th Birthday Will. What a great decade it has been.

Thursday, 2 August 2007


Hey you, - yes you. The one reading this. Why don't you blog with me??
Unless your name is Donna G. M., you either read and don't comment,
or you don't have a blog. So what's up with that? I let you into my world, why don't
you share yours with me?!?!?!?! Or at least comment!!!!! (Like you Debbie)

I am not really sure what the term BLOG really means, but for me it means
several different things:

Be Loud Old Girl
Buddies Love Online Grace
Been Lovin' Our God
Believing Love Outlasts Grief
Beats Listening (to) Outdated Grapevines

What do you think it means? I know somebody knows the real meaning for this term.
TELL ME!!! I want to hear from you.
I have been so blessed reading other christian women across the south's blogs. I want you to share in the enjoyment. Won't you?

I can't wait to read your comments. Please don't let me down.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Getting Ready!

At our house we are getting ready for the new school year. Kori will be a senior and Will is going into the 5th grade. I don't know which shocks me more. Where did the time go?
Not only are we getting ready for school, but for football season. Also, this year Will is playing pee-wee football with the city league, so we have lots of preparing for this as well.

So... we have been shopping for school supplies, school clothes, and football gear. Will had to have "wide ruled" paper. All I could find was "college ruled". His list also stated he needed crayola color pencils. Again, I could only find the off-brand. So more searching. Teachers, good grief does it really matter?

He also needed a girdle for football. My boys laughed when I ask "Why does a 90lb. boy need a girdle?" I need a girdle, but not Will. They explained it was to hold in his hip and butt pads. Exactly, that is what I need it for too. To hold in my hip and butt padding. We found one at the local sporting goods store, only to find out when we got home it was too small. So back to the sporting goods store to exchange it. This time we tried it on before we left the store.

Kori's first order of business her senior year will be senior portraits. As beautiful as my daughter is, she still has braces on her teeth. She has had braces since the 8th grade! She has a very difficult mouth that is just now beginning to cooperate. So... she doesn't want her picture made with her braces since we are so close to having them removed. So she has been going to the orthodontist every 2-3 weeks for very aggressive treatment, in hopes of getting them off a little quicker.

Of course Kori needs school supplies and school clothes too. We looked around the new T*rget
Saturday and she bought a few new shirts to add to her ever growing collection of shirts that go with jeans.

We have been working hard getting ready! I was wondering this morning if the church is working as hard preparing for when our Savior will return. I know, I know ... that is a big turn from paper and pencils to the rapture, but I think it is worth thinking about. We spend so much time and energy (not to mention money) preparing for events or vacations that take place in our earthly lives. What if we spent as much effort preparing for the day Jesus will come back for the church? What difference would it make in our lives and in our churches? What if we lived our life in constant expectation of His return?

I think we would live a different life. I think we would try harder to reach the lost within our own circles and we would take our walk with Christ a little more serious. I think we would reach out to those less fortunate than us with a little more love. I think we would finally do that "thing" God keeps telling us to do, but we keep putting off. Like finally joining that class at church, or serving on that ministry team or even taking food to a family in need. We would probably pray more with our spouses and our children and we would pray with a renewed hope in Christ. I believe if we knew the exact day of His return, and it was within the year, our life would be totally different.

But we don't know. We do however know that HE IS COMING! Just like I know school starts next week, I know Jesus is coming back to get me and hopefully you! Are we ready? I know I am ready spiritually, but there are a few things I need to take care of however. A few more people I need to reach. So... I better get busy. Just like I have been shopping around for football gear and the right paper, I need to be as diligent about getting the word out that Christ is coming back for His church.

What do you need to do? Who do you need to tell about Jesus? What is that "thing" that keeps nagging at you? That "thing" that keeps you awake at night? Just do it, before it's too late.
Get ready, He is coming!

Friday, 27 July 2007

A Tribute to Addison

All across the country people have been praying for sweet baby Addison. She went home to be with Jesus on Thursday. Even though I never met her or her parents, I have been so moved by their faith. My heart breaks for them, but I know they can cry with hope because they will see her face again. This is for you sweet baby girl. Read Addison's story at

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Where did my Baby go?

Kori at 2 years old

Kori at 7 years old

Kori now!

Yesterday I registered Kori, my 17 year old, for her senior year of school. Her last year of school, I can't believe it!! It seems like only yesterday she was that stubborn 2 year old, demanding her own way. Ok, maybe not like yesterday (yesterday she was begging to go meet her boyfriend) but for sure last year.

In the middle of two ADD boys, Kori has always been mommy's girl. Don't get me wrong, she loves her daddy, and I love my boys. But she and I have always been bud's. We even wrote a song about it:

Buds, buds, friends forever
Buds, buds, through any kind of weather
Buds, buds, we will always be together
Buds, buds, buds!

Ok, now I am crying. Not because we are no longer buds, because we still are. Not because it cost me $247 to register her for school, 'cause I would have give $1,247 to keep her for one more year if it would work. I am crying because I am so proud of the woman she is becoming.

Kori has truly been a blessing to us. She loves a list! She always has, so let me close by giving you the top 10 reasons Kori is a blessing:

10. She loves it when people KNOW her.
9. Her best friend is her cousin Maddison.
Maddison was born when Kori was was 10 months old. I told her then
Maddison would be her best friend and Maid of Honor. Done.
8. She loves pasta. Any kind, but her favorite is Penne with Alfredo sauce.
7. She can't stand to think I am mad at her.
6. She is the most forgiving person I know, but she never forgets.
5. She looks like me and her daddy at the same time.
4. She is very protective of the ones she loves, especially her brothers and grandmothers.
3. She has a heart for missions, and adopted a child through Compassion International.
2. She has always wanted to be at least 2 years older than she is.
1. She loves the Lord and plans to always serve Him!

I love you Kori! I hope you have a great Senior Year,

Sunday, 22 July 2007

God is God - Steven Curtis Chapman

Today I am asking God the question why. Why would he allow a small baby today to struggle for every breath at only 6 months old? Why would he let a young mother bury her stillborn child after never being able to hold her alive or today celebrate her 8th b'day with her parents? Why would he let a healthy, vibrant man contract a horrible, rare disease that took his life today after only being diagnosed less than 1 month. Why? But this song answers all my why questions. This is for baby Addison, Kaleigh Marie and Robbie. Only God is God!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Generational Blessings

I have heard a lot about generational curses. If the truth be known, some have probably landed my way, and I am probably passing them on down to my kids even now. But today I would rather concentrate on the positive things that have been passed down to me from former generations.

We had a huge family reunion today for the Holsomback family (my Mom's family). As we all sat around telling funny stories from our past (mostly about our grandfather, Jess), my cousin Joey mentioned what a great woman our grandmother (Maude) had been. He was right.

My maternal grandmother, Maude Pickett Holsomback, was the mother to 9 children, who all adored her immensely. If I had to describe her I would say she was a Godly woman who believed in the power of prayer.

I remember being at her house one night and hearing her pray. She lived in a dangerous neighborhood, and so she prayed in front of the doors before she went to bed. She placed a bible, on a chair, in front of the door and prayed that we would be protected in the night. She told me that satan could never get past the Word of God. I thought it was funny. But, as I listened to her pray, she called out the names of all of her children and grandchildren and ask God to take care of them and draw them to Him. I can't remember her words exactly, but I do remember thinking how neat it was that she prayed for everyone. How could she remember all those names?

Today, as I look at the pictures from the reunion, I think of how her prayers were answered. So many of my cousins are serving God in their local churches, and my cousin Jeff, pastors a church in our community.

As far as my limb on this family tree, we are all born again Christians! My mom, sister, brother, all our spouses, and all our children are active in church (still believing God for baby Brealyn’s conversion). I believe this is an answer to a prayer offered to a listening God from an old lady sitting in a chair in front of her door. She would say that all the glory goes to God. I agree, but I know He answered her sweet prayers. I realize more than ever how important it is to pray for my children.

Psalm 89:1 - I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.