Yesterday, Kori came home from school with her graduation cap and gown. I can't believe it! The past 18 years have flown by, really. It is hard for her to understand when I try to explain that it seems like yesterday she was just starting school. I specifically remember her first day of school. I remember vividly the scared look on her face. I remember what she was wearing! And in only 20 days she will be wearing a cap and gown, graduating from High School. Graduating from my Alma Mater. It is so hard to believe.
Am I sad? Not today (that may change in 15 - 20 days). Today, I am so stinking excited for her, it is overpowering any sadness I feel. I am excited for what God has in store for her. I know He has big plans for her life, not sure what they are, but I know HE KNOWS and that is all that matters.