Saturday, 24 May 2008

Congratulations Kori!

What a week! Lots of stress, laughter and even a few tears. But, all in all, a great week, that ended with a great night!
Congratulations made it.

Now...we are off to the beach for Senior Trip!

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

20 Years...

...with my very best friend. What a wonderful life.
Happy Anniversary to us!
I am looking forward to the next 20 years.
I love you Jeff!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008


did this little girl...

turn into this young lady?

Or this one...

when did she become this person...

And please, will someone tell me why I can't stop crying when I see this image?

I remember exactly the moment this picture was taken. She was 2 years old and bringing new meaning to the term "the terrible two's". This pose was not planned. She was mad because the photographer took so many pictures and I kept changing her clothes. I walked away exhausted from fighting with her and wondering if it was worth it. Let me say to all you mothers who are fighting with 2 & 3 year olds to get a good picture....IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!
Last night was Kori's last choir concert. She is in a show choir at school called "Madrigals". We had a hard time holding back the tears. The music was beautiful and so was she. I looked at Jeff as I was trying to hold back the tears and speak through this huge lump in my throat, I muttered,
"She grew up so fast, didn't she?" And his reply was " I love her and I don't ever want her to leave us, but she did not grow up fast...It seems like we have been at these things forever." I had to laugh. Typical man response after sitting through a music program that included 22 songs and lasted for almost 2 hours. But, it didn't stop my tears. I could have listened to the Madrigals sing all night, because I knew this was her last concert with them. I am afraid that these tears are the first of many during the next 2 weeks.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Graduation Count Down...

Yesterday, Kori came home from school with her graduation cap and gown. I can't believe it! The past 18 years have flown by, really. It is hard for her to understand when I try to explain that it seems like yesterday she was just starting school. I specifically remember her first day of school. I remember vividly the scared look on her face. I remember what she was wearing! And in only 20 days she will be wearing a cap and gown, graduating from High School. Graduating from my Alma Mater. It is so hard to believe.
Am I sad? Not today (that may change in 15 - 20 days). Today, I am so stinking excited for her, it is overpowering any sadness I feel. I am excited for what God has in store for her. I know He has big plans for her life, not sure what they are, but I know HE KNOWS and that is all that matters.