Friday, 20 June 2008

Fun Night!

I have mentioned before that we are huge American Idol fans at our house. Even though the excitement has been way down lately for this reality show, it doesn't stop us from gathering around the TV to watch and critique the talent. Some of my favorite contestants are Kelly Clarkson, Bo Bice, Taylor Hicks and of course Carrie Underwood.

Well guess what....I was given 2 free tickets to see Carrie Underwood (from a company I do business with at work) while she was in Birmingham this week! And of course, being the big AI fans we are, Jeff and I went!!!!! She was awesome! We were so star struck! Our seats were so unbelievably great that I even got to shake (touch) her hand. She sounded as good as she does on the kidding. That girl can really sing...really! Usually you don't hear all the really high notes at a live performance (mostly because they can't hit them), but Carrie did not hold back. She sang every high note you hear on the radio, and kept it in pitch. Awesome! She was so awesome! We had such a good time acting like teenagers! I have posted a video we made but the sound quality is not that good. But I want you to see how close we were to her and how much fun we had.

We standing right here, against the rail!

So cute!

No zoom...she was right beside us!

This picture is for Renee. She was singing "Remember Me" and talked about how much she missed her mom while being on the road. She said "we sing this song because we miss our families so much". So sweet. I know they teased you Renee when Donna left... and kept playing this song. I thought about you! Not how Kori might leave me soon, but how sad you were when Donna moved away. And now look....she's back! PTL!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Awesome Video!

Please watch this video. Awesome message!

Monday, 2 June 2008

Senior Trip

What a great time we had on the beach last week! Beautiful water and beautiful girls, it was awesome. I think I enjoyed this trip as much as the seniors.

Now today... it is time to get back to the real world.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Congratulations Kori!

What a week! Lots of stress, laughter and even a few tears. But, all in all, a great week, that ended with a great night!
Congratulations made it.

Now...we are off to the beach for Senior Trip!

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

20 Years...

...with my very best friend. What a wonderful life.
Happy Anniversary to us!
I am looking forward to the next 20 years.
I love you Jeff!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008


did this little girl...

turn into this young lady?

Or this one...

when did she become this person...

And please, will someone tell me why I can't stop crying when I see this image?

I remember exactly the moment this picture was taken. She was 2 years old and bringing new meaning to the term "the terrible two's". This pose was not planned. She was mad because the photographer took so many pictures and I kept changing her clothes. I walked away exhausted from fighting with her and wondering if it was worth it. Let me say to all you mothers who are fighting with 2 & 3 year olds to get a good picture....IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!
Last night was Kori's last choir concert. She is in a show choir at school called "Madrigals". We had a hard time holding back the tears. The music was beautiful and so was she. I looked at Jeff as I was trying to hold back the tears and speak through this huge lump in my throat, I muttered,
"She grew up so fast, didn't she?" And his reply was " I love her and I don't ever want her to leave us, but she did not grow up fast...It seems like we have been at these things forever." I had to laugh. Typical man response after sitting through a music program that included 22 songs and lasted for almost 2 hours. But, it didn't stop my tears. I could have listened to the Madrigals sing all night, because I knew this was her last concert with them. I am afraid that these tears are the first of many during the next 2 weeks.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Graduation Count Down...

Yesterday, Kori came home from school with her graduation cap and gown. I can't believe it! The past 18 years have flown by, really. It is hard for her to understand when I try to explain that it seems like yesterday she was just starting school. I specifically remember her first day of school. I remember vividly the scared look on her face. I remember what she was wearing! And in only 20 days she will be wearing a cap and gown, graduating from High School. Graduating from my Alma Mater. It is so hard to believe.
Am I sad? Not today (that may change in 15 - 20 days). Today, I am so stinking excited for her, it is overpowering any sadness I feel. I am excited for what God has in store for her. I know He has big plans for her life, not sure what they are, but I know HE KNOWS and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Real ministry is....

loving those who persecute you.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

American Idol!

We are huge American Idol fans at our house. We love it. You can imagine my surprise when I heard them singing this song. This song has always been powerful to me. I pray that the words will melt the hearts of the unbelievers.

Monday, 24 March 2008


I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. // No one can kill me without my consent--I lay down my life voluntarily. For I have the right and power to lay it down when I want to and also the right and power to take it again. For the Father has given me this right. John 10:11,18

Sunday, 23 March 2008


The Passover was over...the ladies were ready to take the perfume and spices to Jesus' body. Of course, when they arrived at the tomb, He wasn't there. He was alive! Hope was restored!

The events of that weekend are more than just a story to me. Jesus' death and resurrection are everything to me. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, I now have access to God 24/7 and I now can live in freedom.

If you have visited this blog to learn more about me, know this,
I hope you will make Him your everything this Easter.

Happy Easter - HE IS ALIVE!

Saturday, 22 March 2008


I have been thinking this morning about what the Saturday after Jesus was crucified must have been like. What kind of day was it? How did everyone feel after watching all that had happened the day before? I wonder if they had lost all hope? Were they afraid for their own life? Were they doubting who He was?

Their thoughts were probably no different from some of ours the day after we have been through something tragic. Why did God let this happen? He/she was so good, why did they have to die? Why is this happening to me?

As I read in Luke about the women preparing spices and perfumes for His body, I see that Luke also tells us, "But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment". I wonder how much they really rested. Were they able to sleep? Were they able to pray? So much had happened they must have been exhausted and devastated. If they only knew on Saturday that tomorrow would be a better day! Yes ladies, Friday was bad.......but Sunday is coming!

Friday, 21 March 2008


We despised him and rejected him--a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised and we didn't care. Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; he was lashed--and we were healed! We--every one of us--have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God's paths to follow our own. Yet God laid on him the guilt and sins of every one of us! From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that he was dying for--that he was suffering their punishment? He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man's grave; but he had done no wrong, and had never spoken an evil word. But it was the Lord's good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief. However when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again and God's program shall prosper in his hands. Isaiah 53:2-6, 8-10

I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. No one can kill me without my consent--I lay down my life voluntarily. For I have the right and power to lay it down when I want to and also the right and power to take it again. For the Father has given me this right. John 10:11,18

Thursday, 20 March 2008


Tomorrow is Good Friday. The day my Lord gave His life for mine. I wonder what He was thinking about on the Thursday before. I wonder if He let His mind wonder to what was coming throughout the day. I wonder if He had the urge to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over His head like I do sometimes when I am worried about upcoming events. I wonder if He struggled with being "snappy" with His family and friends, because He had other things on His I sometimes do.

I don't know what He was thinking, but I do know what He did. He served. Can you believe that! Let it sink in for a minute. The day before the worst day of His life, HE SERVED. He washed the feet of His friends. Stinky, nasty, dirty, soiled with just about anything you can think of including poop, feet. When literally the whole world sat on His shoulders, He served.

And then...His friend...Judas.. leaves to betray Him. But He didn't let that stop Him. He continued with the plan. The plan to redeem the world. The plan that would save my life.

I hope this Easter you will find time to reflect on all He has done for you. Thank Him, and say yes to whatever it is He is calling you to do. That is the least I can do for Him.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Another Last...

We have been talking a lot about "the last..." this year. The last pep rally, the last high school football game, the last semester of high school, the last choir trip, the last choir Christmas concert, and today we had another last.

The last prom.

It was not as sad as I thought it might be. You see, the year started off with Kori being sad about all the "lasts". But now, she is not sad at all. I hear her now talking about all the first. The first college class, the first church trip with the "college class", the first semester of college, the first time to vote, the first mission trip, the first time Daddy lets her stay out past midnight. All things that she now is very much looking forward to. "The first..." she is ready.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Just to be with you...

Would you do anything for Him?

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

What else is there to think on today, the day of LOVE! I am so thankful for the love that I receive from my Valentine, my sweet husband, Jeff. He lets me know every Valentines Day how much he loves me. The first thing he said to me today was "I love you, Happy Valentines Day!". It made me feel so good (as good as you can feel at 4:30 in the morning).
But, love is more than a good feeling. It is a verb. It means doing and showing every day. Throughout scripture we are assured of God's love and reminded that the proof of God's love is that Christ died for us. Love is not meant to make us feel good, but to motivate us to respond to others in a way that show's His love for us.
How can you think of Valentines Day today without looking at what John had to say about love. 1 John 3:1 says " What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it - we're called children of God! That's who we really are." (The Message) He loved us so much, He calls us His children! Can you think of a greater love? The creator of all things, all things I love, like the beach, my children, the mountains, HE LOVES ME AND CALLS ME HIS CHILD!!!!! What love!
Let us love today not only in word or tongue, but in deed and truth (v18). Let us today show the love of God by sharing that love with others. The love that only He can give. The love that saved me from my sins and guarantees me a life forever with Him.
Happy Valentines Day! I LOVE you all!

Friday, 1 February 2008


I have not had anything new to blog about lately. So...after reading Donna's blog I decided to do what she did. List 10 interesting and random facts about myself. I must explain that I don't think I am too interesting of a person, so I will name 10 random facts about myself.

1. First, I love a list. That is why I liked Donna's entry so much. I made of list of things to write before I even began this entry. I keep a list at work of things I need to do, and I have about 3 list going right now of who to invite to Kori's graduation party (4 months away). I love a list!

2. I love the Rocky movies! All of them, 1-6!!!! I love to watch them with friends (Katrina, Jana, Wendy) who can appreciate the story. It is not about boxing, it is a love story!!!!!! And...Sylvester is not too hard on the eyes either.

3. I love ice cream. If I am ever sad or stressed, I always wish I had some rocky road ice cream (maybe that is why I like Rocky Balboa so much, hum.?....?...). I like it in a sugar cone but my favorite is in a bowl with a little bit of milk poured on top. That will cure anything!! When my brother had surgery, instead of taking him flowers, I took him ice cream. He understood completely.

4. I love television. It is my guilty pleasure. The odd thing about it is, I like to watch re-runs of old shows I have already seen. Like...Reba, Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld. I know what is going to happen but I still enjoy them. I also love to watch the news! Crazy combo.

5. I love to be around the water, but not necessarily in it. I love being at the beach, but I don't like to get in, and I don't like the sand, especially if it touches me. I could sit at the lake or at the beach and stare at the water for hours. It is so comforting to me. It reminds me of how huge God is and yet He still loves me.

6. I don't like housework. I now should be cleaning and doing laundry, but I hate it! I would much rather be doing exactly what I am doing now. (or maybe watching TV and eating ice cream). When I am rich, I will have someone clean my house for me.

7. I love music, but mostly because of the lyrics. I only like a song if the words speak to me. Otherwise..I don't want to listen to it.

8. I always wanted all 3 of my kids to have the same initials, but it never worked out that way. But, now after they were named, I realized they have my initials (SKWL) . Shawn Kori and Will. I love that! I look at it as a little gift that God gave me.

9. I love calendars. As I sit at this desk I can see 4 different types of calendars. I am not sure why, I just like 'em.

10. My family is the most important thing in the world to me. They are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I pray for when I go to sleep. They bring me more joy than anyone I know (on earth) and I would rather be with them than anyone else. Anyday!

I hope you will share your most interesting facts with me as well!

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Happy 18th Birthday Kori!

18 years ago today, at this moment, I was at St. Vincent's Hospital not feeling very well. Little did I know I was about to experience the greatest joy I had every experienced. At 11:37 a.m. we welcomed Kori Lynn into our lives weighing in at 9lbs and 5 ounces and 21 inches long.

My prayer for Kori today is that she will be all God wants her to be. That she will answer only His call for her life (not mine) and love Him with all her heart. I pray that she KNOWS Him in a very real way.

I love you Kori! Bud's forever!


Saturday, 19 January 2008

Answered Prayer!!!

It is snowing!

Don't tell me God doesn't hear the prayers of His children! What a great day Will has had playing in the snow!! He has not only had fun, but has experienced the joy you feel when you realize God hears our prayers! He came in after a little while, and said "Mom, now pray that the snow won't stop!" What a blessing!

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Let it Snow!

Tonight the weather man said it may snow this week. Jeff said "did you hear that?"I acted like I didn't care. I said, " I don't believe anything those weather people say and I am not going to let them trick me this year into believing that it might snow". I told him I didn't care if it snowed or not but...

I want it to snow! I really, really do. I have been asking God to let it snow for about 4 winters now. So snow. Will, my 10 year old, cant remember ever playing in the snow. I want him to play in the snow while he is still a little boy.

I am asking God to please let us have some snow this year so Will can know how much fun it is to throw snowballs and build a snowman and make snow angels. Please pray with me!!!! I really want it to snow this winter. But...don't tell Jeff. He still thinks I don't care. Oh, and don't tell James Spann. If he thinks he has one believer, he may shut all the schools down and have the grocery people stock up on milk and bread! It never snows when they do that.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008