Thursday, 22 November 2007

Our Horn of Plenty

The Horn of Plenty is a a symbolic, hollow horn filled with the inexhaustible gifts of celebratory fruits. To me the image has always represented Thanksgiving first, but when looked at closer, it represents a bounty. An abundance of blessings that is overflowing, more than enough.

This year has been a difficult one, financially, for my family. We have seen a tremendous decrease in salary due to the decline of the building industry. We have also, like the rest of the country, suffered because of increased gas prices which has impacted almost every phase of our life. It seemed that everything increased except for our salary, which drastically decreased. If you looked at our financial report, you would feel very sorry for our children.

But, this morning, on Thanksgiving, I am thinking about how much we have been blessed this year. Somehow in the midst of all of this, we were able to pay off 4 major credit cards, the Orthodontist and the Oral Surgeon! Praise God! This is something only HE could do. We have all remained healthy, we have not experienced any loss of life in our family this year, no one in my family is in Iraq, my husband loves me, I have friends who care about me, we have a wonderful church family, our home was not destroyed by tornado, hurricane, flood or fire, and I know where my children are! I have so much to celebrate today.

We have been blessed beyond measure. Our symbolic Horn of Plenty is overflowing today. I shared with my children, "Yes, we have struggled this year, but there are lots of people who would trade circumstances with you right now". When I think about the children in the hospital today, and the children who have a parent or grandparent fighting for their life, or a mommy or daddy who is in Iraq, or those children who lost their homes in the fires in California, or the parent who does not know where their child is today, I realize there is no amount of money that can ease that pain.

We are truly blessed with abundance and our horn is overflowing. We have been given more than enough. I hope today you enjoy the blessings of your life and thank the God who gave them to you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Happy 17th Birthday Maddison!

Happy Birthday to my sweet niece, Maddison Briana McBride!
From the moment she was born she has been very special to me.
She acts more like me than my own daughter. I can't believe today
she is 17 years old! What a beautiful young lady she has become.
I love you
Maddie Boo-Boo!

Saturday, 17 November 2007


I am so blessed to be a part of a body of believers who understand The Great Commission.

Today our mission team travels home from Bolivia after a week of leading the lost to Jesus.

This video is a tribute to those who once were lost, but now are found, thanks to those who knew when to go.