Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Getting Ready!

At our house we are getting ready for the new school year. Kori will be a senior and Will is going into the 5th grade. I don't know which shocks me more. Where did the time go?
Not only are we getting ready for school, but for football season. Also, this year Will is playing pee-wee football with the city league, so we have lots of preparing for this as well.

So... we have been shopping for school supplies, school clothes, and football gear. Will had to have "wide ruled" paper. All I could find was "college ruled". His list also stated he needed crayola color pencils. Again, I could only find the off-brand. So more searching. Teachers, good grief does it really matter?

He also needed a girdle for football. My boys laughed when I ask "Why does a 90lb. boy need a girdle?" I need a girdle, but not Will. They explained it was to hold in his hip and butt pads. Exactly, that is what I need it for too. To hold in my hip and butt padding. We found one at the local sporting goods store, only to find out when we got home it was too small. So back to the sporting goods store to exchange it. This time we tried it on before we left the store.

Kori's first order of business her senior year will be senior portraits. As beautiful as my daughter is, she still has braces on her teeth. She has had braces since the 8th grade! She has a very difficult mouth that is just now beginning to cooperate. So... she doesn't want her picture made with her braces since we are so close to having them removed. So she has been going to the orthodontist every 2-3 weeks for very aggressive treatment, in hopes of getting them off a little quicker.

Of course Kori needs school supplies and school clothes too. We looked around the new T*rget
Saturday and she bought a few new shirts to add to her ever growing collection of shirts that go with jeans.

We have been working hard getting ready! I was wondering this morning if the church is working as hard preparing for when our Savior will return. I know, I know ... that is a big turn from paper and pencils to the rapture, but I think it is worth thinking about. We spend so much time and energy (not to mention money) preparing for events or vacations that take place in our earthly lives. What if we spent as much effort preparing for the day Jesus will come back for the church? What difference would it make in our lives and in our churches? What if we lived our life in constant expectation of His return?

I think we would live a different life. I think we would try harder to reach the lost within our own circles and we would take our walk with Christ a little more serious. I think we would reach out to those less fortunate than us with a little more love. I think we would finally do that "thing" God keeps telling us to do, but we keep putting off. Like finally joining that class at church, or serving on that ministry team or even taking food to a family in need. We would probably pray more with our spouses and our children and we would pray with a renewed hope in Christ. I believe if we knew the exact day of His return, and it was within the year, our life would be totally different.

But we don't know. We do however know that HE IS COMING! Just like I know school starts next week, I know Jesus is coming back to get me and hopefully you! Are we ready? I know I am ready spiritually, but there are a few things I need to take care of however. A few more people I need to reach. So... I better get busy. Just like I have been shopping around for football gear and the right paper, I need to be as diligent about getting the word out that Christ is coming back for His church.

What do you need to do? Who do you need to tell about Jesus? What is that "thing" that keeps nagging at you? That "thing" that keeps you awake at night? Just do it, before it's too late.
Get ready, He is coming!

Friday, 27 July 2007

A Tribute to Addison

All across the country people have been praying for sweet baby Addison. She went home to be with Jesus on Thursday. Even though I never met her or her parents, I have been so moved by their faith. My heart breaks for them, but I know they can cry with hope because they will see her face again. This is for you sweet baby girl. Read Addison's story at http://addisonfaust.wetpaint.com/

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Where did my Baby go?

Kori at 2 years old

Kori at 7 years old

Kori now!

Yesterday I registered Kori, my 17 year old, for her senior year of school. Her last year of school, I can't believe it!! It seems like only yesterday she was that stubborn 2 year old, demanding her own way. Ok, maybe not like yesterday (yesterday she was begging to go meet her boyfriend) but for sure last year.

In the middle of two ADD boys, Kori has always been mommy's girl. Don't get me wrong, she loves her daddy, and I love my boys. But she and I have always been bud's. We even wrote a song about it:

Buds, buds, friends forever
Buds, buds, through any kind of weather
Buds, buds, we will always be together
Buds, buds, buds!

Ok, now I am crying. Not because we are no longer buds, because we still are. Not because it cost me $247 to register her for school, 'cause I would have give $1,247 to keep her for one more year if it would work. I am crying because I am so proud of the woman she is becoming.

Kori has truly been a blessing to us. She loves a list! She always has, so let me close by giving you the top 10 reasons Kori is a blessing:

10. She loves it when people KNOW her.
9. Her best friend is her cousin Maddison.
Maddison was born when Kori was was 10 months old. I told her then
Maddison would be her best friend and Maid of Honor. Done.
8. She loves pasta. Any kind, but her favorite is Penne with Alfredo sauce.
7. She can't stand to think I am mad at her.
6. She is the most forgiving person I know, but she never forgets.
5. She looks like me and her daddy at the same time.
4. She is very protective of the ones she loves, especially her brothers and grandmothers.
3. She has a heart for missions, and adopted a child through Compassion International.
2. She has always wanted to be at least 2 years older than she is.
1. She loves the Lord and plans to always serve Him!

I love you Kori! I hope you have a great Senior Year,

Sunday, 22 July 2007

God is God - Steven Curtis Chapman

Today I am asking God the question why. Why would he allow a small baby today to struggle for every breath at only 6 months old? Why would he let a young mother bury her stillborn child after never being able to hold her alive or today celebrate her 8th b'day with her parents? Why would he let a healthy, vibrant man contract a horrible, rare disease that took his life today after only being diagnosed less than 1 month. Why? But this song answers all my why questions. This is for baby Addison, Kaleigh Marie and Robbie. Only God is God!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Generational Blessings

I have heard a lot about generational curses. If the truth be known, some have probably landed my way, and I am probably passing them on down to my kids even now. But today I would rather concentrate on the positive things that have been passed down to me from former generations.

We had a huge family reunion today for the Holsomback family (my Mom's family). As we all sat around telling funny stories from our past (mostly about our grandfather, Jess), my cousin Joey mentioned what a great woman our grandmother (Maude) had been. He was right.

My maternal grandmother, Maude Pickett Holsomback, was the mother to 9 children, who all adored her immensely. If I had to describe her I would say she was a Godly woman who believed in the power of prayer.

I remember being at her house one night and hearing her pray. She lived in a dangerous neighborhood, and so she prayed in front of the doors before she went to bed. She placed a bible, on a chair, in front of the door and prayed that we would be protected in the night. She told me that satan could never get past the Word of God. I thought it was funny. But, as I listened to her pray, she called out the names of all of her children and grandchildren and ask God to take care of them and draw them to Him. I can't remember her words exactly, but I do remember thinking how neat it was that she prayed for everyone. How could she remember all those names?

Today, as I look at the pictures from the reunion, I think of how her prayers were answered. So many of my cousins are serving God in their local churches, and my cousin Jeff, pastors a church in our community.

As far as my limb on this family tree, we are all born again Christians! My mom, sister, brother, all our spouses, and all our children are active in church (still believing God for baby Brealyn’s conversion). I believe this is an answer to a prayer offered to a listening God from an old lady sitting in a chair in front of her door. She would say that all the glory goes to God. I agree, but I know He answered her sweet prayers. I realize more than ever how important it is to pray for my children.

Psalm 89:1 - I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

I Survived Kid's Camp at Shocco Springs!

All glory be to God!!! I not only survived but had a great time

at kid's camp. If you have never experienced Student Life For Kid's Camp, you need to. Student Life does an awesome job. I was so impressed.

My kids told me before we left to make sure that I was fun because, as they said, "You sometimes are a party pooper". ME??? I thought I was anything but a party pooper.

I have always loved large crowds and the louder the better.

Isn't that what a party is all about. But around day 2 of camp I realized that somewhere between raising Shawn & Kori and now Will, I have indeed become somewhat of a pooper. Poor Will. Again he gets the leftovers.

WHEN DID I GET SO OLD? In my heart I am still that 29 year old mom who loves to act like a kid! But now, at almost 44, I realize my body doesn't handle the heat, the hills and the lack of sleep like I used to. Well, if I am honest, I have never done well in heat, but better than now.

However, I can't remember being so excited to see 2 kids in our group come to know Jesus as their Savior!!!! That is one thing that gets better with age. As I get older, I realize more and more the importance of coming to Christ with a child like faith. It was awesome to see this group of kids worship Jesus and grow closer to Him this week.

So...will I go back next year? I will be another year older however. You better believe it!! There will be new kids that need to be led to Christ. I will be honored to help show

them the way....if Mrs. Debbie will let this party pooper go back.